How Much Does A Resin Restaurant Floor Cost?


How Much Does A Resin Restaurant Floor Cost?

As with most commercial and industrial applications, asking how much resin floor costs is very similar to asking, “how long is a piece of string.” 

With so many factors at play – which we will be discussing in this post – the cost of your resin floor will be very much down to your individual circumstances.  

In this post, we’ll cover: 

  • Factors that affect the cost for your resin floor 
  • How different types of resin floorings vary in price 
  • The ‘hidden’ costs of opting for a cheaper alternative 

Read on to find out more…  


Factors That Affect the Cost of a Resin Floor 

As you will be aware, there are numerous factors at play that determine the cost of a resin floor for your kitchen project. These include: 

  • The layout of the area 
  • Size of the area 
  • If there are any obstructions in the way (e.g., heavy machinery) 
  • How modern the space is 
  • The type of resin flooring you specify 

The final point, the type of resin flooring you specify, is a particularly important factor that will have a bearing on overall expenditure in the long run. We will be discussing this further in the post, but for now, we will share our formula for working out the average cost of your current resin flooring.   


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Working Out the Cost of your Current Resin Flooring 

Although it may not be possible to give an average cost of a resin floor replacement, there is a way to estimate how much one may cost. 

First, work out the average cost of your floor now, using this equation: 

Is It More Economical To Replace Or Repair A Resin Floor?

And then estimate the annual cost of what a new floor might cost: 

Is It More Economical To Replace Or Repair A Resin Floor?


Different Types of Resin Will Affect Cost 

It’s generally accepted that the most popular type of resin flooring for a kitchen application is Polyurethane (PU), but that doesn’t necessarily mean it is the most effectiveIt’s widely (yet, wrongly) accepted that a PU coating will need numerous repairs throughout its lifetime, leading to a full replacement further down the line.  

There are several, technical reasons as to why repairs and replacements are commonplace with PU floorings. You can read about them in our detailed blog post here 

In short, repairs and replacements must be factored into the upfront cost of your restaurant kitchen floor.  

To contrast, an Acrylicon resin floor comes with a ten-year warranty, but with correct maintenance*, your flooring can, in fact, last the lifetime of the kitchen.  

*Upon specification, Acrylicon will provide cleaning and maintenance consultancy to ensure you get thmost out of your floor.  

Downtime Should be factored into your Kitchen’s Resin Flooring Cost 

Restaurants are active, busy environments and as such, can’t afford to be out of action too long for repair/replacement work.  

Lockdown aside, shutting a restaurant down for days and weeks at a time will have a detrimental impact on business.  

Therefore, time (and loss of it) should also be closely considered when exploring the cost of your kitchen’s resin flooring. Here is a comparison: 

PU can take around 3-5 hours to dry and 3-5 days to fully cure.   

In comparison Acrylicon can cure fully in only two hours, allowing a kitchen to be back up and running with very little disruption to the business. To put this into context, check out our acrylic resin floor installation in the Shangri-La restaurant kitchen at The Shard, which demonstrates how the kitchen was useable within 2 hours of the final coat being applied   



To recap, the cost will vary depending on a range of different factors, but most crucially, the type of flooring you specify will have the greatest bearing on long-term expenditure.  

Quite often, choices are made based on the upfront cost, without considering the most economical solution in the long run, which is why we actively encourage our clients and partners to challenge that rhetoric.  

If you want top-quality, long-lasting resin flooring that outperforms others in the market in terms of cure time, longevity and hygiene, then Acryclicon is the option for you.   

To arrange a free no-obligation floor survey from one of our local experts, get in touch today. 

ESSENTIAL GUIDE TO industrial resin floor repairs

  • Author: John Marais
  • Date: 4th Feb 2021